Is arabic a dying language in lebanon?
2006-05-11 11:50:45 UTC
Is arabic a dying language in lebanon?
Twelve answers:
2006-05-11 11:57:09 UTC
Which language would be used instead by the majority of people?

Arabic definitely is NOT a dying language, not even in Lebanon.
2006-05-11 20:25:38 UTC
u mean we 'speak' arabic in lebanon?

the fact is the lebanese never did, neither the egyptian.

what u call arab countries learn and write and read arabic 'fos7a' but as egyptians and morrocans yemenis, and lebanese we speak our 'native tongues' which look like arabic because it takes a lot from it but it is also different. think of how an egyptian talk, is it arabic? or egyptian?

It just happened that in lebanon, french and english have introduced in a very short time period many new words to the lebanese dialect that is why there is the 'feel' that arabic is dying.

when schools stop teaching some of its history, geography, literature and language courses in arabic then u can start thinking that it is a dying language.
2006-05-11 12:03:04 UTC
As long as Arabs live there it will not die, as long as islam is there also it will not die. But when arabic is spoken, it is better to use Fushah arabic all the time to show the beauty of arabic rather than mixing with french or brake it apart, Indeed arabic is fantastic language when somebody knows use it.
2006-05-15 02:49:24 UTC
no its not dying

even if the schools in our country is all in English and french and the Arabic is few.

but the main language of our country is Arabic and this language never die CZ we are Arabs and we are all proud in our language and we wont replace it with anything Else.
2006-05-14 22:45:04 UTC
No, most people speak arabic and english or arabic and french.
2016-10-28 22:00:45 UTC
i think of arabic is dying, its extra some form of "Lebanese" this is rising extremely, the place human beings tend to combination arabic with french and english, like that factor I observed "hi, Kifak, ca va?" generic lebanese greeting.. smthg like that.
2006-05-11 11:52:04 UTC
Deapends on the area. In the south, which is the only place I know well, then No, not in the slightest.
2006-05-13 10:51:02 UTC
no,it is not , just people this days want to show that they know more then one language, it's kind of being hip
2006-05-14 15:55:45 UTC
2006-05-11 13:23:42 UTC
no u have any more questions on dying languages??
2006-05-11 11:52:47 UTC
Hell no it will never die there.
2006-05-12 19:21:35 UTC

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